What is Really Happening: A Dosteyevsky Wannabe Original with an essay by Michael Bracewell, 2019
Accompanying publication from What is Really Happening at Simon Lee Gallery, London

Contemporary History Painting: Dexter Dalwood interviewed by Greg Sullivan, 2015
Accompanying catalogue from Fighting History at Tate Britain

Felicity Lunn & Michael Archer, The Figure in the Painting, 2013
Accompanying catalogue from Dexter Dalwod at Centre PasquArt, Biel, Switzerland

Dr Anette Hüsch, Unspoken Images - Dexter Dalwood's search for the Essence of Poetry, 2011
Accompanying catalogue from Dichter und Drogen at Nolan Judin, Berlin

Michael Bracewell, On the Art of Dexter Dalwood, 2010
Accompanying catalogue from Dexter Dalwood at Tate St Ives